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The services a software development company should offer its clients

The services a software development company should offer its clients

A software development company creates bespoke software solutions for their clients. They listen, design and create solutions that solve problems, helping companies become more efficient. 

Although there is always an initial outlay when it comes to commissioning new software, innovative and tailored solutions can deliver considerable cost savings over time.

Software development can involve a range of services, some of which are essential to the development process while others can be optional.

What essential services should a development company provide to its clients?

Bespoke software development services

Software development companies should create truly bespoke software for their clients. These are tailored solutions that have been developed with the unique needs of the company in mind, rather than generic or partly generic software from templates. 

It is the role of software developers to create niche products and provide a unique, highly specialist service. When you hire a bespoke software development company, you gain access to high-level technical expertise to help you solve specific problems in your business.

User Experience

The user experience or UX is a key factor in creating the right impression with customers and encouraging retention. A good software development company will focus on the UX aspects of your software and ensure that it is highly user-friendly throughout. 

This might include colour grading, attention to how information is presented, as well as loading screens and customer support. It should be simple to use without compromising its function. 


The prototyping stage of software development is an essential element of the process that determines the reliability and validity of the project. It gives designers the opportunity to explore a product before it’s finally built. They can assess how effective the product is, as well as identify any particular weaknesses in the design that need addressing. 

Digital prototypes act as an intermediary stage between the client’s requirements and the final product. 


Testing is one of the most important aspects of software development. This will take place throughout the development process, with the software thoroughly checked for bugs, inconsistencies and failures that might compromise the effectiveness of the finished product. 

There are a number of different testing methodologies that may be used and your software development company should be able to outline how your software will be developed. 

Any failures when launching bespoke software solutions can be costly and time-consuming to put right so it’s imperative that testing is stringent.

Operation and maintenance services

Once a tailored solution has been created and then deployed in the business, you need to ensure that it’s working as intended and remains effective. As it’s rolled out and more users begin using the software, you may discover small glitches or inconsistencies. You may also need new features as your business changes and develops. 

Your bespoke software development company should be able to offer ongoing support services to ensure that your software is working as effectively as you expect. 

A comprehensive set of software development services from InTeck

At InTeck, we provide a full set of software development services for our clients. 

We design and create innovative solutions that solve key challenges and help them work more efficiently.

We’re always happy to answer any questions you might have about our software development process and to discuss your particular requirements.

Call 0800 368 5220 or email to find out more.

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