The terms programming and coding are often used interchangeably, but they are in fact both describing very different tasks in the software development process. At its most basic, the division between programming and coding is fairly simple. Coding means to write codes from one language to another, whereas programming means to program a machine with a given set of instructions.
Sounds simple?
Let's take a look at each of them in more detail.
What is coding?
Coding is basically turning human language into a machine-based language. In order to become a coder, you need to understand different programming languages such as Java C and Python. When this language is mastered it can then be used to instruct a computer to execute whatever program you have created.
Coding involves writing code in a programming language to create a software program. Any sort of application, game or website is a program.
What is programming?
Programming is the process by which an executable software program can be implemented, achieving the desired end result without any errors. If there are problems in executing the program, it’s the job of the programmer to locate the problem in the code and then find and execute a solution.
The programming involves more than just dealing with code. In order to create a functioning application you need to carry out a few particular steps. The application needs to be properly planned and designed. Its features then have to be tested before it’s deployed. After it’s been put into use it will need to be monitored and maintained going forward.
So, programming is a much more holistic and involved process than coding.
Programming is the process of developing an executable software program that is implemented without any errors. It is the programmer’s job to analyze a problem in the code and provide solutions.
Programming and coding work together
Coding and programming work together to achieve a set of defined goals. If we’re creating an app, it will begin with the programmer. They will plan the structure of the app and then write down its features. They will design the app and then think of any other features that should be included in the app.
Once the programmer is done with these steps they then hand it over to the coder. It’s the job of the coder to transform those ideas and concepts into code that achieves the stated goals. When this is done, the completed code is handed back to the programmer.
The final development stage is when the programmer checks the program for bugs, makes minor improvements and then publishes the program.
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At InTeck, we have an experienced team of software development professionals who can create bespoke software solutions for your company that go well beyond the basics.
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